Ionad Lachtaín Church, Arts and Heritage Centre was established to provide a visitor centre with information on the locality and local history of Freshford.

The centre hosts a local heritage museum and gallery to exhibit the work of local artists and crafts people. It provides a venue for cultural activities such as lectures, concerts, artistic and training workshops. It provides access to, support for and information on the historic St. Lachtain’s Church, showcasing in particular the 12th century Hiberno Romanesque doorway and the story behind more than 1400 years of continuous worship on the site. St. Lachtain’s today is a living church with an active community centre.

Ionad Lachtaín is run by a secular and intercultural committee of local volunteers. 

The centre is open to the public during the months of June, July and August and at other times by arrangement. The committee is pleased to host suitable activities such as concerts, exhibitions, courses or projects in the church or the annex.

History of Freshford


Website design and development: Neal Walsh
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