Edmund Fitzpatrick Bicentenary 2022:
Edmund Fitzpatrick, artist and illustrator, was a native of Freshford. He was born here in February 1822 and died in London in 1896.
His bicentenary was celebrated on May 6 with the launch of Ned Kennedy’s booklet on his life and work. Lord Bellew of Barmeath Castle in Co. Louth launched the book with an exhibition in Ionad Lachtain of nine Fitzpatrick paintings brought together for the first time. It was a truly historic night and grateful thanks to all the owners for loaning the paintings.
The booklet is on sale in all Kilkenny bookshops and is available by adding post and packing from O’Shea’s Shop, Freshford: phone 056 8832157. It costs €12 and proceeds will go to Ionad Lachtain Church, Arts and Heritage Centre.
Ned Kennedy presents a copy of the booklet to Lord Bellew with some of the Fitzpatrick paintings in the background.
Members of the Fitzpatrick clan of north Kilkenny who attended the book launch to honour their kinsman Edmund.
Ned Kennedy, Lady Bellew and Lord Bellew.
An exhibition of Edmund Fitzpatrick illustrations from the Illustrated London News and copies of his paintings is currently being planned for Ionad Lachtain.